This past Saturday, the Wyoming County Sheriff's Foundation, Inc. hosted the annual Shop with a Cop event at Warsaw Walmart for students in Wyoming County. What an incredible morning it was! Students were greeted by members of local law enforcement, Warsaw and Attica FFA members, and school administrators and faculty and staff members. They could snack on sweet treats while enjoying holiday crafts. Each student was given a Walmart gift card to spend on anything in the store and accompanied by a member of law enforcement, who helped with shopping.
Thank you to the Foundation, the Wyoming County Sheriff's Office, New York State Police, Warsaw Police Department, Perry Police Department, Attica Police Department, Arcade Police Department, Warsaw and Attica FFA members, and numerous donors. #PrideInTheHive

Ms. Reding and Mrs. Warriner have been teaching their students about different cuisines around the world, and this week they focused on foods that we enjoy right here in the United States. Yesterday, the group made homemade mini sliders and macaroni salad. Yum! #PrideInTheHive

PCS Family Members:
After school and evening activities are canceled. The YMCA after school childcare will run as scheduled.
Daryl McLaughlin
Superintendent of Schools

Santa made a special visit to PES last night for our annual Sensory Santa event! It was a fun evening to enjoy crafts, cookies, hot cocoa, and a visit with our friend from the North Pole. Thank you to all who helped make it a special evening for families, including the PCS Inclusion Committee, JH and HS Stand Up Clubs, Perry Public Library, Ms. Reding’s class, Traci Purvee, and JP Jaques. #PrideInTheHive

To correspond with what 3rd graders were learning in their classrooms, Mrs. Adolf launched an ocean art project this fall. Students have been using a variety of material to create 3D artwork inspired by their favorite sea creatures, like sea snakes, hammerhead sharks, and starfish. The goal is create a 3D art installation that makes observers feel like they are under water! #PrideInTheHive

Do you remember being in school and reading a book as a class? Having your teacher read aloud and sharing the experience together just hit differently, making the reading experience more enjoyable. We witnessed that this morning in Mrs. Bauer’s classroom. A group of her 7th grade ELA students are reading “The Hunger Games” series together and it was clear that the students were invested in the story. #PrideInTheHive

Mrs. Kramell’s Career and Educational Planning students finished their required job shadows last week. This final group spent a day shadowing nurses at Noyes Hospital in Dansville, observing care in the Emergency Department, Labor and Delivery, and in the Intensive Care Unit. Mrs. Kramell has arranged job shadows with NYSEG, Heidelberg Materials, Tompkins, SUNY Geneseo, Kelly’s Garage, the Wyoming County District Attorney’s Office, and NYS Park Police. Students have completed multiple assignments in preparation for their job shadows and will now create presentations on what they’ve learned. Thank you to all who helped give our students this incredible learning opportunity! #PrideInTheHive

Congratulations to our friend Rosemary for being named the very first PAES Lab Employee of the Month for 2024-25! Rose always does her best, gets right to work, and never gives up. #PrideInTheHive

Mrs. Snyder doesn’t want her sophomore English students to just read the play “Twelve Angry Men,” she wants them to add some dramatic flair to the classic by acting out the roles. #PrideInTheHive

What a great feeling to walk into a classroom and see students so engaged in a discussion about a book they're currently reading. That's exactly what we found with Mrs. Hollister's sixth-graders this morning. Students are really enjoying "Out of the Dust" by Karen Hesse, which captures a family's resilience during the dust-bowl years of the Depression. #PrideInTheHive

Mr. Sporleder’s Ag Mechanics students have been learning about agriculture structures like free stall barns. For the unit project, each student is building their own model pole barn. This morning we caught them discussing how to build a fence. #PrideInTheHive

Thank you to our families and community for the outpouring of support of the Stuff the Turkey campaign! We spotted the Food, Fiber and Fabric students sorting and organizing all the baking supplies this morning with Mrs. Lenhard and Mrs. Consler. That class, along with FFA members and Mrs. Huttar, will be baking pies this week to include in Thanksgiving meal kits for 12 families. #PrideInTheHive

We have to give a shoutout to Mrs. Ferro's kindergarten friends! They quietly learned what their new centers were this morning and then immediately got to work conquering capital letters. Great work by these ABC all-stars!

This week, FFA officers Gio Muolo, Noelle Milhollen, Avery Dueppengiesser, and Logan Church attended the New York Youth Agriculture Leadership Conference in Albany. This first-ever conference encouraged collaboration among youth agriculture organizations, like FFA, 4-H and MANRRS, and gave students access to state leaders to better understand how policy affects food, agriculture, and natural resources industries. What an incredible experience for these young leaders! #PrideInTheHive

Ms. Wheeler, HS Library Media Specialist, has organized an afterschool Makers’ Market for high school students through December. Students can make jewelry, mugs, shirts, puzzles, pins, and more. The supplies and activities are free, and students can create the crafts for themselves or to use as holiday gifts. They should visit the library to sign up for a workshop! #PrideInTheHive

PES is excited to host its annual Veterans Day celebration on Friday. Elementary students have been diligently helping Mrs. Adolf finish several decorations in the art room. We can't wait for our special guests to see them! #PrideInTheHive

PCS is hosting its 2nd annual Stuff the Turkey Food Drive starting Nov. 13. The donated food will be used to create Thanksgiving meal kits, complete with a turkey, sides and pies, for 12 families (4 from each building). Perry FFA members and students in the Food, Fabric and Fiber class will bake pies to be included in each meal kit. Any extra non-perishable food will be distributed to families in need throughout the holiday season. Students can simply bring in food items on the designated days and leave them in the collection bins. If community members would like to contribute, food donations can be dropped off at both Main Offices. We hope this initiative will again help ensure that all of our families have a festive holiday season! #PrideInTheHive

Our 1st graders visited Perry Public Library this morning to explore how children in our community can gain access to books. Students visited the Children’s Library, where they met Jessica Purvis, Youth Services Librarian, picked out books to read at home and learned more about the programs available to young readers. Jessica DeMarte, Library Director, read a book to students. Upstairs in the Stowell-Wiles Art Gallery, students met Briana Coogan-Bassett, a Library Assistant, who led them through an arts and crafts project. Thank you to the library staff for getting our students excited about the incredible possibilities awaiting them if they just open a book – and visit the library! #PrideInTheHIve

Mrs. Baker’s, Mrs. Chatley’s, and Mrs. Dycha’s 1st graders finished their Wit and Wisdom Module 1 and are celebrating with a book tasting today. This module focused on how books change lives around the world and had students reading a variety of titles like “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss, “My Librarian is a Camel” by Margriet Ruurs, and “Tomas and the Library Lady” by Pat Mora. They’re indulging in some sweet treats that are inspired by the books and also reflecting on whether they enjoyed the stories. #PrideInTheHive

Mrs. Brant's 8th grade technology students are starting their structure challenges in preparation for their large bridge project. Today, they had to design a structure out of paper that could hold the most pennies. We love to see our students thinking outside the box! #PrideInTheHive