With the holiday season upon us and families opting to celebrate with real trees, it’s a great time for Stephanie Luders, Ag in the Classroom educator from Wyoming County Cornell Cooperative Extension, to teach students more about evergreen trees. This afternoon, Mrs. Greenaker’s kindergartners learned the differences and similarities between Douglas firs, Scotch pines, and Colorado blue spruces. Students cut out their own trees based on needle lengths and then festively decorated the trees. #PrideInTheHive
Elementary classes enjoyed an in-school winter concert this morning featuring the 4th grade chorus, 5/6 chorus, select chorus, and 6th grade band. Congratulations to all the student-musicians, as well as Mrs. Wheeler and Mr. Levano, on doing a fantastic job bringing the sounds of the season to the PCS stage! #PrideInTheHive
Sixth graders are bringing the festive holiday spirit this year. After Mrs. Rowley made the suggestion, students jumped at the chance to bring in materials to decorate their lockers for the holidays. The finished products look awesome! #PrideInTheHive
We love the work Miss Dominesey’s first graders were doing this morning on a Wit and Wisdom module. Students were asked to write narrative stories based on the topic of books that included a character, setting, problem, and resolution. After each story was shared this morning, students provided positive feedback to their classmates. #PrideInTheHive
Our Chapter 2 Page Turners are off to Warsaw CSD this morning for the first competition of the season! Good luck to our readers and Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Prince! #PrideInTheHive
It’s a big day at PCS because our very own K9 Officer Sunny is celebrating his big #5 birthday! Wishing our special four-legged friend a day filled with yummy treats, some ear rubs, and several zoomies through the hallways of PCS. #PrideInTheHive #HappyBirthday
Last weekend, Coach Hayes and the varsity cheerleaders hosted a Jr. Jackets session for K-6 students. Over 45 students attended! Two more sessions are scheduled, Dec. 10 and Dec. 17, from 10-11 am in the ES gym. This is free for any K-6 student who wishes to attend. #PrideInTheHive
We caught our riflery team posing for its official group photo Monday night. We are so excited to be offering this sport to our student-athletes this winter. #PrideInTheHive
Paddle boarding in PE has been a HUGE hit with students!
It’s about making connections with our students.
Last Monday, prior to Thanksgiving break, Mrs. Emerson created a “campfire” for her HS art students, complete with marshmallows. Well, the marshmallows were actually pieces of paper with words on them. The goal was for the words to spark a memory and give students the opportunity to share stories that came to mind based on the words. Classes were able to bond, laugh, and connect before the busy holiday season begins. #PrideInTheHive
Congratulations to senior Emma McLaughlin on being accepted into the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) All-Eastern Treble Chorus! Selected to perform in the 2023 All-Eastern Honors Ensembles, with rehearsals and performances being held April 13-16, will be the most musically talented high school students from the Eastern region of the United States. With assistance from their music teachers, these exceptional student-musicians will prepare challenging programs under the leadership of prominent conductors in this event. We know Emma’s vocal talents will shine bright at this event! #PrideInTheHive
The High School Stand Up Club and Ms. Smith organized the "Thanks-for-Giving" holiday food drive this year. Non-perishable food items were collected in both buildings, and members were transporting the donations to Community Action's food pantry yesterday afternoon. We know this initiative will help ensure that all families in our community enjoy the holiday season.
Best of luck to Sidney as she competes in the NYSPHSAA Diving Championships today!
The Perry Central School District is closed today, Friday November 18th.
Mr. Mellerski reminded some of his JH chorus members this morning that much like athletes have to practice and train, so do musicians. He had students practicing breathing with their stomachs instead of their chests. This gives vocalists fuller breaths and deeper tones. #PrideInTheHive
The winter sports season has officially started and we're excited to add riflery and indoor track and field to our offerings this year! #PrideInTheHive
A nap is definitely appropriate after the Food Service Staff served Thanksgiving dinner for lunch and a full day of active learning in UPK. #PrideInTheHive
Miss Gales’ 2nd graders transformed into scientists during an Ag in the Classroom lesson this morning. Stephanie Luders, Community Educator from Wyoming County Cooperative Extension, introduced students to the Black Box Experiment and challenged them to first make hypotheses on the contents of the mysterious boxes. Without opening the boxes, students were asked to use their senses to collect data, including whether the contents were heavy, emitted an odor, or made noise when the boxes were moved. Then came the moment of truth…the boxes were opened and students could determine whether their hypotheses were correct. In the end, all the contents represented a component of agriculture. #PrideInTheHive
This is the future of Perry's Wrestling Program right here! There was an incredible turnout last night for the first session of Jr. Jackets Wrestling. The next session is Nov. 21 from 6:00-7:00pm in the HS cafeteria and is open to all Perry students K-6th. Thank you to the coaches for providing this opportunity! #PrideInTheHive
Mrs. Woloszyn's 8th grade Ag Explorer students are keeping watchful eyes on their cucumber, radish, and lettuce plants as they are eager to make pickles and more with the produce. They are hoping some will be ready to harvest in two weeks. #PrideInTheHive