Results of the Annual Meeting of Perry Central School District Voters - May 16, 2023

Proposition #1

Shall the Board of Education of the Perry Central District be hereby authorized to expend $20,245,808 to meet the expenditures for fiscal year 2023-2024, and the amount thereof shall be raised by a levy of tax upon the taxable property of the School District, after first deducting the monies available from State Aid and other sources as provided by law.

Yes 168, No 16

Proposition #2
Two district residents have submitted petitions to run for two (2) seats on the Board of Education. Each open seat is for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2023 and expiring on June 30, 2024. *Please note, the candidate with the greatest number of votes, will assume Susan Beck’s seat immediately following the annual meeting of district voters.

Julius Westfall - 172
Ian McDougall - 171
Two (2) Additional Write-in Candidates

Proposition #3
RESOLVED: That the Board of Education of Perry Central School shall be authorized to expend funds from the Capital Reserve Fund (Technology, Maintenance Vehicles and Equipment) established by the voters on May 16, 2017 under Section 3651 of Education Law for the acquisition of instructional, maintenance, and interscholastic athletic equipment not to exceed a total sum of $230,000.

Yes 173, No 13